We were invited back to Altes Gymnasium Leoben this year to talk about music with the 3D class. Our visit there last year was one of the main topics of conversation when we got home because it was such a unique experience, so we were happy to be invited back and see the difference that one year made for the students.
First, the students are speaking more English this year, so we were able to have a more involved question and answer sessions. We talked a lot about the background of the band, what we have been doing over the last year, and what we do outside of playing music. This was a good conversation with some very respectful and receptive young people.
We also played a few songs, so it felt like an unplugged mini-concert out in the courtyard. One of our favorite moments was when we got a special request for Tea With Me.
We learned that about half of the students are musicians, and a couple of them even write their own music, which we were very happy to hear. This whole experience reminded us of the importance of art and music. We play music every day, so sometimes we get so immersed in it, that we don’t take a step back and realize the impact it has on both the player and the listener. To have a group of young people from another country, who are essentially strangers to us, and who don’t speak English as their first language, take an interest in our songs and our history is something so special for us. It took us out of our routine of “write, record, perform,” and allowed us to connect with a unique audience.
Photo by Savannah Butler.
Photo by Savannah Butler.